Perro snack natural

Benefits of natural snacks

They clean teeth, reduce stress... they provide many advantages that you may not know yet.

To talk about natural snacks, we must first know what they are. A natural snack is healthy, it is a source of vitamins, minerals, proteins... it is health for our dog . They come from animal sources and after a natural drying process, rich and fragrant snacks are obtained without additives that retain all their properties.

For a long time we have associated that the prizes for our furry friends are "sweets" and they get fat, being careful not to abuse them. But, what if that prize also brought many other things?

Let's see all the advantages that a natural snack can have:

  • They reduce stress because the action of chewing and gnawing releases endorphins, a type of neurotransmitter that translates into pleasure and well-being. Which means that our dog relaxes.
  • They promote hygiene in your mouth , on the one hand because it increases saliva, which makes your breath more pleasant and also helps to clean the gums and remove tartar because they are harder and work like a natural toothbrush.
  • They help keep the jaw strong with healthy muscles .
  • They balance their diet helping to control overweight , but of course, we must feed them with a head, knowing that they are fed but that they should never be a substitute for their diet and that their excessive intake can also be counterproductive.

Are you in to try natural snacks for your furry?

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